Pirate Party of Canada

Pirate Party Swarm Orientation

By Rick Falkvinge Exactly ten years ago, on January 1 2006 at 20:30 CET, the Swedish and first Pirate Party was launched by me setting up an ugly website. Since then, we delivered on the proof of concept on June 7, 2009, and the movement grew from there. We weren’t always successful, though, and it’s important to be humble and do a little retrospection. The choice of January 1 wasn’t so much chosen as a symbolic date as it was done then out of necessity. I had worked on the ugly site{.extern} over the Yule holidays, and had an ordinary day of work the next day, so I simply had […]

Roadmap to Making Canada a World Economic Powerhouse in the Information Age

Honourable Members of the House of Commons and Senators, Ladies and Gentleman, As another parliamentary session starts following the 42nd General Election, we need to reflect on the real state of our nation. Canada remains a strong economy relative to other nations in the world. We remain a free society that people from some nations could only aspire to. However, it would be negligent on our part to dismiss and downplay the real conditions and challenges that we are facing right now. Our economy is in decline with the flight of jobs to cheaper labour markets and the continued fall in oil prices. The fall in loonie is leading to […]

Statement Regarding the Brutal Attacks in Paris

The Pirate Party of Canada would like to extend our sympathies and thoughts to the victims & families of yesterday’s attacks in Paris, France. As the investigation commences, it is important to remember those who have passed, the things they cherished, and the friends and loved ones they leave behind. The loss of so many lives to such brutal actions is hard for any nation, and we wish the people of France all the best as they work through the recent tragedy. As the investigation and response to such a devastating attack is under way, it is important to consider the rights and freedoms that are cherished by the people of France and throughout the […]

Live Tweet from Munk Debate on Foreign Policy

Here are exact text from our live tweets during the Munk Debate on foreign policy, word for word including typos and weird phrasing due to tweet size limit. One paragraph per tweet.         ISIS threat: On humanitarian crisis and Mulclair’s pledge to pull troops out Bombing is not the only solution. We need to minimize creation of failed states from bombing without humanitarian aid. Humanitarian aid needs to be substantial similar to rebuilding effort for Germany and Japan after World War II. We must also refrain from supporting dictators like in Iraq and Libya. And currently Egypt and Saudi. Dealing with ISIS should include going after their […]